How to Make DIY Homemade Deodorant?

How to Make DIY Homemade Deodorant?

Sweating serves as the body’s natural detox mechanism, yet on occasion, homemade deodorant becomes essential. Embracing holistic health, I’ve embarked on eliminating toxins from my products, starting with the alarming ingredients in conventional deodorants.

After scrutinizing the label of my typical homemade deodorant, laden with harmful substances, I resolved to concoct a safer, more eco-friendly alternative. This journey led me to devise a homemade deodorant recipe, devoid of irritating baking soda yet potent in odour control. Join me as I unveil the secrets to crafting an effective, gentle solution for maintaining freshness and well-being, both inside and out.

The truth is alarming: numerous deodorants, even those labelled “all-natural,” harbour aluminum and parabens, compromising health. Aluminum, present as an antiperspirant, is concerning, while parabens pose additional risks. Prioritizing health and well-being, it’s crucial to scrutinize product labels and opt for safer alternatives devoid of harmful chemicals.

Today, I’ll share an easy, effective DIY homemade deodorant recipe—gentle, non-toxic, and crafted for your well-being. I take pride in this unique deodorant, featuring uncommon ingredients that defy convention. I’m excited to share its secrets with you.

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Delving Deeper: Understanding the Purpose Behind Each Ingredient

1. Coconut & Almond Oils

Coconut & Almond Oils

Harnessing the natural potency of coconut oil, with its antibacterial prowess, ensures effective odour control in the underarm region. Almond oil serves as a complement, maintaining the deodorant’s fluidity, especially in cooler temperatures. Opting for raw, unrefined, virgin coconut oil maximizes its antibacterial benefits. As coconut oil solidifies below 76 degrees Fahrenheit, the addition of almond oil helps maintain a desirable consistency, enhancing the application experience. Together, these oils form a dynamic duo, delivering freshness and fluidity for a seamless deodorant application.

2. Shea Butter

Shea Butter

Shea butter, a gift from nature, offers a myriad of benefits for skin health and well-being. When sourced in its raw and unrefined form, shea butter is rich in vitamins A and E, imparting nourishment and vitality to the skin. Renowned for its soothing properties, shea butter provides relief to irritated skin, making it an ideal inclusion in deodorant formulations. Embrace the natural goodness of shea butter to nurture and protect your skin, indulging in its luxurious texture and potent skincare benefits.

3. Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot powder is a staple ingredient in DIY deodorant formulations, revered for its multifaceted benefits. Serving as a versatile thickener, it lends a desirable consistency to the deodorant blend. Beyond its textural prowess, arrowroot powder boasts detoxifying properties, effectively aiding in the removal of toxins from the skin. With its dual functionality, arrowroot powder emerges as a valuable addition to your skincare arsenal, promoting freshness and purity with each application.

4. Beeswax


Raw beeswax, sourced naturally without additives or refinement, serves a vital role in stabilizing this deodorant recipe, preventing it from becoming excessively runny. In addition to its stabilizing properties, beeswax offers inherent skincare benefits, aiding in moisture retention without clogging pores. By forming a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, beeswax facilitates the absorption of moisturizing properties from the accompanying butter and oils, ensuring optimal hydration and nourishment for your skin.

5. Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Innovating beyond conventional deodorant recipes, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) emerges as a versatile household essential with myriad applications—from toothpaste to garden care. Composed primarily of silica, a vital trace element often lacking in many diets, DE offers a myriad of benefits. By incorporating DE into your homemade deodorant, you infuse your skin with this essential nutrient, aiding in detoxification and soothing sensitive areas prone to irritation. DE’s absorbent properties not only draw out moisture and toxins but also promote skin comfort, making it a valuable addition to your skincare regimen for a fresh, revitalized feeling.

6. Vitamin E

Derived exclusively from plant-based sources, Vitamin E boasts diverse origins and potency levels. This essential nutrient penetrates the skin’s surface, reaching deep within living cells to deliver its antioxidant benefits. While varying in concentration across different sources, Vitamin E plays a crucial role in skin health, with approximately 5% of the applied amount being converted into free tocopherol within deep skin cells. Embrace the rejuvenating properties of Vitamin E, nurturing your skin with its antioxidant prowess for a radiant, revitalized complexion.

The versatility of Vitamin E extends far beyond mere skincare; it offers a comprehensive array of benefits for various issues, concerns, and conditions. By penetrating deep into the skin’s outer layer, Vitamin E directly impacts living cells, imparting its healing and rejuvenating effects. Whether you’re seeking sun protection, burn relief, eczema management, or wrinkle reduction, Vitamin E delivers unparalleled care and nourishment. Embrace the multifaceted prowess of Vitamin E and experience the transformative power of this essential nutrient for radiant, healthy skin and overall well-being.

Easy Effective Homemade Deodorant


  1. Container: Opt for jars or tins for storage. Alternatively, for a stylish touch, it would be advisable to opt for the sleek black deodorant tubes available in stores.

  2. Double-boiler: Prepare a makeshift double-boiler by placing a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water.

  3. Kitchen Scale:Ensure accurate measurements with a kitchen scale.

  4. Ingredients:

  • 30 grams of coconut oil
  • 20 grams shea butter
  • 10 grams carrier oil (options include almond oil or any liquid oil)
  • 10 grams beeswax
  • 15 grams of arrowroot powder
  • 15 grams of diatomaceous earth (food grade)
  • 5 drops of Vitamin E
  • 20-25 drops of essential oils (optional, for scent)

Make it 

  1. Measure the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax into the top of your double-boiler.
  2. Melt the ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly until completely melted (the wax may take longer to melt).
  3. Once melted, remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes.
  4. Mix arrowroot powder, diatomaceous earth, vitamin E and essential oils. Whisk to ensure thorough mixing.
  5. Pour the mixture into your chosen container and let it set in a safe place. The setting process is relatively quick.
  6. Consider using lavender and patchouli essential oils for a fragrant blend with added skincare benefits. Remember, less is more with essential oils!
  7. This deodorant boasts a strong yet spreadable consistency, suitable for use in both jars and tubes.
  8. It is important to clean your body thoroughly before switching to natural deodorants. Give your body time to adjust, as detoxification may take a week or two. Remember, sweating is a natural and healthy process

Wrapping up 

While sweating is a natural bodily function, the unpleasant odour accompanying it is entirely avoidable. Transitioning to a natural, homemade deodorant offers a holistic approach to odour management, free from harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances. Before making the switch, consider exploring additional research to gain insight into the transition process and what to expect. Understanding the nuances of natural deodorants will better equip you for the journey ahead. For those seeking a more robust scent from their deodorant, consider adjusting the essential oil concentration or increasing the amount of Diatomaceous Earth for enhanced odour absorption. While this may result in a slightly firmer consistency, it ensures effective odour control without compromising natural ingredients.


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